Services: design & permitting
Location: 10 Lurton Street
Approx. Cost: $80,000.00
Design Time: one month
Approval Time: one month
Build Time: eight months
Location: 10 Lurton Street
Approx. Cost: $80,000.00
Design Time: one month
Approval Time: one month
Build Time: eight months

An existing underutilized one story, enclosed porch and exterior deck was removed from this single family home to create a new spacious family room with generous mud-room and half bath on the first floor. A new comfortable master bedroom suite with walk-in closet was added on the second floor by expanding and existing small nursery space. This addition also solved a significant water infiltration problem in the basement area by the installation of a sub-surface drainage system. The new addition faces south to allow as much natural light as possible to penetrate into the living space. A large master bedroom suite is nestled beneath three new dormers with a cathedral ceiling. The master bath features a roomy tiled shower tucked under an existing dormer with a toilet nook and large double sink area.