Building Analysis

In Massachusetts, if the cost of renovating a commercial building exceeds 25% of the assessed value of the building over a two year period, you may be required to bring the entire building up to current code standards, including handicapped and fire protection requirements.

That’s where we come in. We are here to help get you the information you need. We can analyze buildings for ADA compliance, zoning issues and BOMA standards so that you have accurate information for your rentable and saleable areas. This crucial information allows you to quickly analyze a building’s income earning potential ahead of time for a more informed buying decision.

We can provide a comprehensive analysis of your existing new building or site and check to see if it conforms to a variety of today’s codes including:

  • Building Code
  • Zoning Board of Appeals
  • Local Historic Commissions
  • Architectural Barriers Board Code
  • Site Analysis
  • Sun and Shadow Studies
  • Parking Analysis
  • Conservation Commission

We can also help you obtain Landmarks Commission & Boston Redevelopment Authority approvals.

Give us a call today and see what our vision can do for you!

Aesthetic Images Building Analysis